10 Fun and Educational Science Experiments for Kids

10 Fun and Educational Science Experiments for Kids

Easy Science Experiments for Kids

 Science Experiments that Kids Can Do At Home


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Kids love to learn. They love to see what happens when you mix different items together, use everyday items in different manners and be surprised by results that are opposite of what they expect. Because children are sponges at this age and soak up all of the information around them, it is important to have them explore science through the world around them.


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I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand

– Chinese Proverb


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1. Ivory Soap Microwave Experiment

Preschool Experiments: Ivory Soap Microwave Experiment

Use a bar of Ivory Soap to make a cloud-like puff that will “wow” your kids and and let them have some fun at the same time.

Get the directions here.


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2. Cut Ice Cubes in Half Like Magic

Cutting Ice Cubes in Half at Preschool

Show kids that by utilizing pressure you can cut a piece of ice in half like a magician!

Get the directions here.



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3. Floating Ketchup Packet in Bottle


Make a packet of ketchup float and sink at your command while inside of a bottle.

Get the directions here.


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4. Understanding How Hot Air Floats


A great science experiment to help teach kids about warm and cool air.

Get the directions here.



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5. Lime Juice and Baking Soda


Adding lime juice to baking soda makes for a great reaction. Add color to spice it up.

Get the directions here.


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6. Fizzy Paint


Adding lime juice to baking soda makes for a great reaction. Add color to spice it up.

Get the directions here.



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7. How to Grow (and Kill) Germs


This one takes more time, but it is a great way to show how germs grow and how to kill them.

Get the directions here.


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8. Fruity Boats


Teach children the basics of objects that float in water and try to predict which ones will.

Get the directions here.



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9. Frozen Dinos


Using different household object and items, have your children work on freeing the frozen toy dinosaurs.

Get the directions here.


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10. Make a Bubble Rainbow


This fun, easy project explores how bubbles and colors work using household items!

Get the directions here.




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